The original drama "Latte for Love" was put on in Zhongshan on October 15 and 16.
At the beginning of this year, a novel coronavirus broke out and Wuhan was locked down. The owner of a coffee shop made a bold decision: to provide free coffee to medical staff. Not only did all the shop assistants come back to make coffee, but one after another netizens who learned the news also bought coffee for medical staff through network platforms. When Yu Hong, a screenwriter, read the news, she was deeply moved and inspired, and she wrote a play script, titled "Latte for Love".
Li Zinan, the executive director, said that "Latte for Love" did not describe any specific story of front-line medical staff assisting Hubei, but depicted the images of the ordinary people who stood up and made sacrifices to fight against the epidemic at a critical moment.
Since its premiere, "Latte for Love" has toured in many cities in Guangdong and Fujian and has been well received by its audiences.