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57,000 new jobs in Zhongshan in November

Data released by the Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on December 22 showed that employment in Zhongshan has shown positive signs in November, with some 57,000 new jobs being created. The overall job supply and demand increased, including an increase in the number of job seekers by 11.9%. The demand-supply ratio was about 1.9, dropping 0.19 from October.

The number of employees needed in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries were 1,260, 28,067 and 22,188 respectively. The proportional labor demand in the primary and tertiary industries declined, while the opposite is true for the secondary industry.

The supply and demand of primary skilled personnel dropped significantly, with 4,857 employee needed, down 2.9% from a month earlier. Some 1,523 primary skilled workers were seeking jobs in November, a month to month decrease of 2.7%.

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