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15.62 million aquatic fry released to wild


The 2022 Fry Release and Repopulation Activity was held in Zhongshan's Cuiheng National Wetland Park on the morning of June 29. A total of 15.62 million fry, including greasyback shrimp, red-tail prawn, yellowfin seabream and yellowtail mullet, were released into the Hengmen waters.

"By breeding and releasing fry, we can effectively supplement commercial fishing and maintain biodiversity," said an official from the Zhongshan Agriculture and Rural Bureau, adding that such activities could help improve the ecology of fishery waters, boost the efficiency of resource utilization, and promote fishery efficiency, fishermen's income and the healthy and sustainable development of the fishery economy.

Since 1982, fishery departments in Zhongshan has held repopulation and release activities every year. In the past 40 years, Zhongshan has invested nearly 16 million yuan and released more than 500 million fry.

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