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Great Shots of the Week (Jul 31 - Aug 6)

Great Shots of the Week is a weekly photo solicitation event held by Zhongshan Daily to collect photos from the public every week. Top 6 winners will be given prizes and electronic certificates. All residents including expats are welcome to participate and record beautiful moments in Zhongshan every week. Winners of the week (July 31 - August 6) are as follows.


Duck Catching Game (First Prize): On August 4, the Minzhong District Rice Field Concert was held at the Yingyang Eco-Farm. The picture shows the duck-catching game attracting numerous residents. (By Chen Liwei)


Water Park (Second Prize): On August 5, swimming residents watched a water scooter show at the Cuijing Water Park in West District. (By Liu Shijue)


Happy Football (Second Prize): On the evening of August 5, a local football team organized an internal match to celebrate its 7th anniversary. (By Meizhou Nanlang)


5-man Boat Race (Third Prize): On August 5, a simulation 5-man boat race took place at the Nantou Water Sports Park. (By Zhuo Jianghua)


Zhongshan Port Night (Third Prize): On the evening of August 3, the Zhongshan Port international container terminal was brightly lit. (By Peng Leikeng)


Lucky Lion Dance (Third Prize): On the evening of August 4, at a market event held in Yongmo Village, Sanxiang Town, a lion dance show won rounds of cheers and applause. (By Zhang Dapeng)

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