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Images: Great Shots of the Week (Oct 30 - Nov 5)

Great Shots of the Week is a weekly photo solicitation event held by Zhongshan Daily to collect photos from the public every week. Top 6 winners will be given prizes and electronic certificates. All residents including expats are welcome to participate and record beautiful moments in Zhongshan every week. Winners of the week (October 30 to November 5) are as follows.


Air Battle (First Prize): November 4, during the final of the village basketball league of Guzhen Town, players representing different teams "fight in the air". (By Zhuo Jianghua)


Drum Dance (Second Prize): November 4, during an achievement show of a PBL (project-based learning) program held in Houxing Village, a female dancer dressed in minority costumes performs a drum dance. (By Yang Yaobin)


Beautiful Night in Sanxiang (Second Prize): November 3, illuminated by roadlamps, the expressway "draws" a beautiful patten. (By Li Yan)


Learning Together (Third Prize): November 4, a pair of sisters read a book in a children's Xiangshan Study in Nanlang District. (By Wang Jianrong)


Setting Sun the String Player (Third Prize): November 3, a beautiful sunset is captured over the Lingdingyang Bridge of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge. (By Shen Weidong)


Superb Skills (Third Prize): November 1, employees of enterprises in Fusha Town participate in a firefighting skills competition at the Fuxushan Culture and Sports Park. (By Wu Junhui)

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