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Images: Great shots of the week (Jan 23 - Jan 29)

Great Shots of the Week is a weekly photo solicitation event held by Zhongshan Daily to collect photos from the public every week. Top 6 winners will be given prizes and electronic certificates. All residents including expats are welcome to participate and record beautiful moments in Zhongshan every week. Winners of the week (January 23 - January 29) are as follows.


First prize: Winter Whisper (By Zhuo Jianghua)

A couple, bathing in the winter afternoon sunshine, was whispering in Sanxi Village, East District on Jan 29.


Second prize: Table Tennis Showdown for Chinese New Year (By Liu Minghai)

The Chinese New Year Table Tennis Tournament, hosted by the Shaxi Table Tennis Association on Jan 27, drew ping pong enthusiasts from across Zhongshan. The competition attracted more than 10,000 viewers online and offline. 


Second prize: Grassroots Cantonese Opera Show (By Xu Huatai)

The Torch Development Zone Traditional Folk Arts Troupe presented a Cantonese opera show at the Pearl Square on Jan 28.


Third prize: Colorful Childhood (By Yu Xingdong)

On Jan 26 in Zuobu Village, Nanlang District, a little girl was playing with soap bubbles happily as her mother was taking a picture.


Third prize: Blues Moment (By Zhu Min) 

When night fell on Jan 25, seen from the top of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park, Xingzhong Avenue was ablaze with blues.


Third prize: Happy Time (By Tan Lichang)

A hawk-and-chicken game in Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park filled the park with laughter on Jan 27.

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