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8.5 million yuan grants to be offered

As the reporter learned yesterday from the Commission of Fund for the Underprivileged Students, the support system for needy students, ranging from primary schools to universities, from city to rural areas, will be further perfected in 2011. About 8.5 million yuan will be offered to weave such a support network and it is expected that more than a thousand students will benefit from it.

As of the end of 2010, the fund has raised 41.37 million yuan in total, supporting fund for poor students has been set up in township levels, and an overall planning and graded grant mechanism led by the government with the whole society involved has been established across the whole city. During 2010, 2854 primary and middle school students from poor families have been given 3.9915 million yuan of financial aid. And 1055 college students from poor families have been offered grants or loans whose interests were paid by the Fund. A total of 7.8 million yuan has been provided for student in need.

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